Collaborating with Rapid Agency to place big products on bigger locations.


Always striving to take their public positioning to new levels, Castlecourt took on Rapid Agency to come up with a new concept which would grab attention in a fresh billboard campaign. Following recent trends, Rapid felt using main product offerings from Castlecourt retailers and placing them on iconic Belfast Buildings and Landmarks would draw in attention.

Rapid teamed up with us to acquire the photographic assets which they would then combine in photoshop to create the final artwork. It was a tricky job, and required matching focal lengths between wide outdoor landmark shots and the corresponding up close product shot in our studio. Landmarks were shot with multiple exposure options, for the sky, subject and foreground, so Rapid had as much digital information to work with.

The next stage required us to take the time and consider lighting. Where were the light sources in the landmark images; was the light source warm, direct, overcast? All these elements needed careful consideration, and each product needed to be lit accordingly to match the scene, to allow the guys at Rapid to get a clean photoshop and achieve realistic final designs.
